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History of Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence

History of the church Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence, Ladywood.

History of Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence


Pastor Verna Joyce Wynter's calling was not dissimilar to many of the heroes of the faith. Like many prophets and apostles, she did not hesitate to accept the calling to follow Christ.


Bishop Dunn Emigrates to England

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Bishop Dunn may not have known the plan God had for him, when in 1954 he left Jamaica and set sail to the United Kingdom. His immediate plan was to make some money and return to Jamaica within two to three years. His plan was typical of the majority of people from the Caribbean islands who emigrated in the 1950’s.

On arrival in England he settled in Birmingham. Unable to find a church suited to the foundations that were laid in his mother country, he set out to preach in home front-rooms, beginning at the home of Brother and Sister Martin. Within a short time, the small group outgrew the rooms, and moved into rented accommodation. Initially, the group moved to a school hall in Chain Walk, then to Berners Street, Lozells, Birmingham.


The history of Bethel United Church is well documented elsewhere. Suffice to say with differences in opinion on Christian standards and the purity of Apostolic beliefs, Bishop Dunn removed himself from the Lozells group, and with a small band of Brothers and Sisters, they began to worship at Holly Road, Handsworth. From there they rented the hall at Newhall Unitarian Church at the well-known location, 2 Gibson Road.

Birth of Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ

The church grew rapidly under the pastoral leadership of Bishop Dunn who was very well supported by Mother Chloe. However he had what can be described as ‘itchy feet’, he wanted to return to his native land, Jamaica. The building at Gibson Road, while functional, was not theirs; it was rented. Bishop Dunn was on his way to Jamaica via Baltimore when he received a message from (then) Deacon Arnold Miller, who informed him that Gibson Road was for sale.

growth of Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ

Bishop recognized the Hand of God in his life and submitted to His will. The plan of God was back on track. Under his leadership Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ, grew at a rapid pace, particular throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s.

For many years all churches within the Bethel ministry would meet for a week of service at Gibson Road, Birmingham. The church was packed and far too small to accommodate the increasing number of brethren from across the land. By the early 1980’s, there were over 40 churches within the Bethel ministry.

Many of the current apostolic churches in the United Kingdom were once affiliated to Bethel. Those that decided not to remain under Bishop Dunn’s leadership, created new ministries, Some maintained links with Bishop Dunn, while others severed all ties.

Churches were also established in Jamaica, the United States and Canada. Today that strong foundation has ensured that capacity for growth remains strong; evangelism is typical under the banner of Bethel, such as the ministry of BACE’s in South India.


The Green Church hall, Edgbaston


S T. MARY AND ST. AMBROSE, Edgbaston (Pershore Rd.) was a daughter parish to St. Bartholomew's Church, Edgbaston and was consecrated in 1898 as the church of St. Mary and St. Ambrose. A Parish was assigned out of St. Bartholomew's in 1903, when a vicarage was created, in the gift of Lord Calthorpoe and his heirs.

Bethel History at the Church Hall of St Mary & St Ambrose

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This church hall stands on the busy Pershore Road next to the Parish Church. which is close to Edgbaston Cricket ground that is less than half a mile away. For fellowship and worship, BACE rented the church hall from Saint Mary and Saint Ambrose church on Pershore Road (A441).

The green church hall holds fond memories for us, when we first started at this location in 1986, we were hosted in a much smaller hut located at the rear of the green Church Hall. It was dilapidated and cold, and was ultimately demolished. We moved into the much larger green building, taking up residence for the next 25 years. Whatever travails we experienced on our journey, we know that God kept us until our appointed time.

The Green Church has been home to BACE for over 25 years. Over the years we have laboured tirelessly in the area of Edgbaston. During this time we have had many different experiences, not to say the least the cold winters. With heating provided to its best capacity that hardly warmed the air, we huddled together by the nearest radiator and put blankets over our knees that made no difference to the cold sweeping under our feet, it encouraged us to pray even harder.

With great expectations we searched for a suitable building and attempted to buy at least three other locations that we had viewed over the years, with prices from one thousand to five hundred thousand. Ultimately, every opportunity became a closed door, with which came the knowledge that another winter was on its way.

Our struggles included not only cold winters, there were unkind spirits, defiling of God’s furnishings, and like Joseph, there were pharaohs who did not know of the former history, so when circumstances changed, so did the structure of things. Caretakers come and go, some we gave thanks for, others we prayed much for.

In way of our journey we surely honour our time in the St Mary’s and St Ambrose Church Hall, the place we affectionately call the ‘Green Building’.


The new building

Purchase of the welcome courage pub

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Our season of change came in the year 2011. Our pastor declared it ‘The year of prosperity and Good Success’, and later we were told by Elder McClean, our visiting speaker, that ‘God has not forgotten Edgbaston Church’, and sure enough the very day this message was preached, the 14th January 2011, a member of the congregation showed us the sale advert of the Welcome building. Pastor and the team viewed the building, saw the potential, put the vision in motion and watched the promise of God unfold in her eyes.

That vision has now come to pass. God delivered BACE out of rental property and into ownership. God gave BACE a local pub, we made it into a palace for the community.

God who had not forgotten us, has provided himself a place where we could embrace His favour and execute the vision of BACE.

Ground Breaking

The renovation of the new place of worship took place in the form of three parts.

  1. The removal of the internal walls of the existing building

  2. The cleansing and clearing of the old building elements

  3. The building of additional areas and layout of the new sanctuary

The vision has been pursued and has come to pass.

Pastor VJ Wynter

With the encouragement of the brethren she digs deeper

With the encouragement of the brethren she digs deeper

Pastor Checks the soil

Pastor Checks the soil

Breaking down the interior

Breaking down the interior

Having come this far by faith, all praise belongs to King Jesus, who has piloted us through many difficult times over these many years of ministry. Today we have every right to lift up our voice in praise and adoration to Jesus for what He has already done and is about to do.
— Bishop S.A. Dunn

In 2011, the current church was consecrated. Rebuilding and refurbishment took place throughout the year.

The present church building was established in Ladywood, with the official opening taking place on 14th January 2012, due to the hard work and generosity of the congregation.

God gave us ‘The Welcome’, located on the corner of Holywell Road. Inside the building on two separate walls were the signs, ‘In God We Trust’ and Out of the cold where a welcome holds good’. How remarkable! The number of the address is 100 Ladywood Road, which directs us to Psalms 100, which is an exhortation of thanksgiving and a psalm of praise to God
— Pastor VJ Wynter (2012)
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, Come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God, it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves, We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good, His mercies is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations.
— Psalms 100