India Ministry & Our Mission
Evangelist Barbara Wilson
T he ministry for India started in 1999 when we were situated in the green building on Pershore Road.
Our Mission
Disciple the Nation of IndiaB.A.C.E. India Exists to fulfil Christ’s mission in India by:
- Training nationals as pastors and evangelists
- Establishing native churches
- Providing humanitarian aid
- Educating India’s future spiritual leaders
God called two of his servants; Evangelist Dawn Shand and myself, through a vision and hence by obedience to the call, and with support from the church, travelled to north India, to a remote area called Behar in the Dumka district in the state of Jharkhand. in 1999 where we stayed for 3 weeks.
The purpose of the trip was to assist a local Pastor who had visited us in 1997. This visit proved to be the beginning of the work that God had in store for us in India
We ministered the Word, visited people in their homes and prayed with them. They came to the church, even at times of no scheduled services, for prayer. We made several visits to the hospital where we would pray for the sick. The other churches were mainly ‘house churches’. We witnessed people getting healed and being delivered. We remember particularly praying for a woman who had problems conceiving and through her faith was able to conceive the following year.
During the following years with several visits and support, the work developed and expanded into the surrounding areas in the South of India.

Pastor Wynter and Sister Barbara
Visiting Kerala, India
In 2005, God gave Pastor Verna Wynter the Macedonian call. Pastor went on her very first visit where she met a friend of mine, Dr Ruth whom I had met on my previous visit to India. Dr Ruth took Pastor and myself to Kerala a very poor and deprived area, where we met Pastor Rose, Pastor Bobian and Pastor Stephen Kay as well as several other Pastors.
Pastor Rose invited Pastor Wynter and myself back to India, where Bethel Apostolic Church was birthed. Over the years we have baptised may souls and supported many Pastors in Chennai, Kerala in Dumka and in other areas of India; by sponsoring children to attend school as well as feed and support widows and their children.
Our desire is to train and teach the Pastors about the oneness of Jesus Christ, so they in turn can teach and train others to make disciples of them so that the gospel can reach more remote areas of India.
We are grateful for your continued support.
Evangelist Barbara Wilson
Missionary Visit in 2017
In 2017, Brother Peter Sylva visited India, on another missionary excursion, click the link to see his story.
More visits to India ministry

Baptisms in India
Another soul has now been baptised in Jesus Name in India. Let's continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who are being baptised and our missionary workers.