Trustees act as liaisons between the members of the church congregation and the church leaders, representing and articulating the congregations interests. Trustees take care of the secular business of running the church charity, manage the finances and property, and ensure the church is compliant with all legal requirements.
Missionary Nerissa Purkiss
Brother Prince Nelson
sECRETARY: Evangelist Marcia Woolly
Officers/leaders are servants of God. Who serve not only the church but the community, meeting the needs of the physical as well as the spiritual. Visiting the sick, caring for the elderly and assisting the church Pastor in making and carrying out important decisions. This office evolved and expanded from the apostolic church of Acts 6. The officers take care of the administrative tasks of the church, feeding the poor and hungry as we do here at B.A.C.E every Sunday and throughout the week. Mirroring what the apostles did according to Acts 6:1-3.
“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and says, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?”
Here at BACE we understand our roles and responsibilities as ushers and endeavour to carry it out with excellency, respecting you as an individual. You will be greeted with a smile and a warm welcome, escorted to a comfortable seat and you will always have access to an usher should you require anything further.
A well-trained usher is one of the church’s GREATEST ASSETS!
Ushers promote church growth by making visitors feel welcome;
Minimizing distractions;
Receiving of main/general offering;
Help members & guest find seats quickly;
Pay attention to the people on the rostrum; making themselves available to their needs;
Be on hand to help the vulnerable, elderly and disabled during service;
Be on hand to make the first-time visitor feel comfortable;
Ensure that the visitors book is completed by first time visitors;
Ensure bibles and songbooks are available to anyone requesting them
general housekeeping rules and fire safety regulations
The Duties & Responsibilities of church ushers
“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”
Arrive prior to brethren, ensuring rostrum necessities are in place
Assist in promoting an atmosphere for worship and reverence in the House of God for all
Identifying & minimizing any disruption of the service.
Promote the overall smooth running before, during and after the service
Raise awareness of potential emergency health, safety issues and identifying the restroom facilities for new visitors
To be identifiable as ushers by coordinated uniform or name badges
Positioned to provide a welcoming warm smile and handshake for both visitors & brethren
Offer practical assistance escorting brethren to their seats or those requiring additional support throughout the service (Colossians 3:23)
Being ready to assist those ministering at the rostrum/podium
Ready to provide assistance with bibles, hymnals, musical instruments promoting inclusion during the service
Promote children and young people to be reverent throughout the service (no running, walking during scripture reading/prayer) to minimise any distractions
To facilitate safe parking during larger gatherings & reduce the impact of potential thefts
Assist with collecting and counting all tithes & offerings thus promoting the need for upholding honest and integrity qualities
Attend to the needs of the Pastor
Attend to the needs of the Guest Speakers & invited guests
Inform brethren & visitors of any forthcoming announcements
Identify & addressing the need for additional seating
Ensure any walkways are not blocked & kept free flowing
Provide modesty covering
Ensure those’ under the spirit’ are protected from harming themselves or others
Greeting visitors as they leave with a friendly smile ensuring they feel welcome to return again
Ensure the church is cleaned and left in a tidy manner for the forthcoming service.