Let Us Share The Love Of Jesus With You
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Privacy Policy




The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018.  This privacy policy (and accompanying Terms & Conditions) sets out how Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence (BACE) collects, uses, stores and protects your personal data; your data protection and policy rights.

Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence is committed to the protection of your privacy. Your privacy is very important to us and we understand how important it is to you. Our aim is to be as clear and open as possible about what we do with your personal data and why we do it.

Definitions We Use In This Privacy Notice

  • The Service” means services we provide to you as a ministry; including prayer, support groups, email updates, invitations to church events and any other activities undertaken at Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence in service to its partners and audience

  • you” means you as a member, worker or visitor at events, or visitor to our website. In this relationship between us, you should be considered the Data Subject as defined within the context of the GDPR and UK data protection law.

  • us”, “we” and “our” refers to Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence. In the relationship between us, Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence should be considered the Data Controller (the Service Provider) as defined within the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK data protection law. This means we decide how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

Who Is Responsible for Managing Your Personal Data?

‘Personal Data’ refers to any details/information that enables an individual to be identified; e.g. name, address, date of birth, phone numbers, email address.  The Data Controller is responsible for how your personal data is collected, used and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation.

How Do We Use Your Information?

  • To keep you informed on upcoming events or groups which we feel will be of interest to you.

  • If you are a worker or are involved in any ministry at Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence, we will use your information to keep you informed on upcoming events, meetings, or any new groups or ministries at our church. We will also use your data to keep you informed about when you are scheduled to serve at church.

  • If you have filled out a visitor form in which you have given us explicit consent to add your personal information to our database (the database we use to store subject’s data), email you, call you or text you in relation to the services we provide as a church.

Our Lawful Basis for Processing Data Is:

Legitimate Interest 

  • When signing up for an event and we communicate with you about that event, both before the event, and in any follow up after the event.

  • Where you have engaged with us at a church service or event or by email, or you have approached us independently for information about the service, we will only use your contact details to respond to your enquiry.

  • To process any financial donations, you make to our ministry and to ensure they are recorded correctly.


  • Where you have voluntarily subscribed to the ministry’s mailing list, through our website and explicitly consented to receiving our emails

  • If you have filled out a visitor form, in which you have given us explicit consent to add you to our mailing list database, email you, text or call you regarding the service we provide.

  • If you have signed up to an event, we will only add you to our database if you have consented for us to do so.

  • Where you have completed a consent form to take photographs and add to our   website or other publications pertaining to BACE events, services and affiliations.

Legal Obligation

  • If you are giving financially to our ministry, certain information from givers is legitimately needed for the purposes of UK Gift Aid reclaims and must be held on record for up to six years and we must be able to demonstrate a clear link between the giver, the declaration, and the donation.

Your Rights as An Individual

You have the right to be informed about how we collect, use, store and protect your personal data.  This is commonly known as a ‘Privacy Policy’.

You have several rights to the personal data that we hold about you: -

Right of Rectification

If you believe that the personal data that we hold about you is incorrect, please write to our Data Protection Team.

Right of Erasure

You have the right to request your personal data be permanently deleted from our records and systems and to stop any further communication with you.  Your request will always be considered in view of the legal basis that we hold, store and process your personal data, and the purpose that we collected your data.  Where the legal basis permits, we will carry out your instruction without delay, however, where we have a legal or contractual obligation to hold your personal data, we may not be able to carry out your request.  We will explain this to you in writing after receiving your request to the Data Protection Team.

You have the right to unsubscribe at any time from receiving emails and/ or any communication from us. You can do this by simply clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ button on any of our emails. In such cases your information will be removed from our database.

Sharing Your Information

The information we hold about you will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used exclusively by Bethel Apostolic Church of Excellence for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. We will only share your data with third parties if required to do so by law.

How Secure Is Your Information?

Your personal data is kept by BACE for the duration of your membership in locked cabinets; on password protected and/or antivirus computers, laptops, IPAD and phones; and in a safe.  We take security very seriously and will do everything within our power to keep your information PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL and WILL NOT be passed on to another person outside of BACE without your explicit consent.  Access is restricted to very limited personnel on a ‘Need to Know’ basis.

Data Breaches

Should your personal data be lost, stolen or otherwise breached whilst under our control, we will contact you without delay, explain the nature of the breach to you and the steps we are taking to deal with it; as this constitutes a high risk to your rights and freedom.

Viewing the Information, We Hold About You

You may request access to a copy of all the information BACE holds for you, known as a Subject Access Request.  You may do so in writing or by simply emailing the Data Protection Team atbaceladywood@gmail.com

We will respond to your request as soon as possible and, in any event, within the statutory 30 days.  However, as we are required to verify your identity before releasing your personal details, to ensure that we disclose your personal data to the right person the statutory 30-day response period will commence from the time we validate your identity.

If you believe that the personal data that we hold for you is incorrect, please write to our Data Protection Team.

Your Right to Restrict Processing of Your Personal Data

Should you believe that we are using your data in a way that you do not understand, or agree to, and wish to restrict such use, please write to our Data Protection Team

A copy of BACE privacy policy is given to all BACE members and a copy is placed on BACE noticeboard.  BACE Privacy Policy will be regularly reviewed. Any changes to BACE Privacy Policy will be updated on the BACE noticeboard and a Notice of Amendment will be communicated to each BACE member.

Your Right to Complain to the information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

You have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you believe your personal data has been mishandled.  For more information, please visit https://co.org.uk/concerns.